Customer Testimonials

The estimate was complete, we hired someone else who was less expensive. -Heather Francis

We obtained quotes from six vendors. The Anderson cost was a little higher than the others but included a 10 year parts and labor warranty. No other vendor would give a warranty beyond one year parts and labor and a few more years for parts. The person we dealt with was knowledgeable and personable and we were very impressed.. The installation was professional with attention to detail. The Trane air conditioner is excellent and the blower is very quiet. So overall we can highly recommend both the company and the Trane furnace and air conditioner
-Isobel Miller

We were very happy with the work done and the company is very honest and professional. I would highly recommend this company to everyone who is in need of air conditioner or heating repairs. The technician even took his shoes off before walking on my carpets….this is very rare these days, we give this company A+A+A+A+A+ all the way!!!
-Rena Laurenzano

Needed to have furnace serviced due to the sale of my house. The tech came out on time, did a great job. No complaints
-James Disher

They were good. I didn’t really compare their price but I guess it was alright.
-Trista Schurman

Their quality of work was good, but sometimes, they were a little expensive. I would probably continue to use them.
-William Henderson

Overall repair was done quickly and professionally.
-Trista Schurman

Technician was on time. Conducted himself in a professional manner. Seemed very competent and knowledgable of my system. He did suggest a ‘maintenance contract’ which does appear that it will save a few bucks on the spring AC check up. That is included in the fee listed.
-James Stalker

They are very polite and informative. I would recommend them to others.
-Kathryn Sherony

First: Jim Anderson is a jewel! He told us we didn’t need to buy a new AC compressor – we would have bought a new one if he said to, but he was HONEST! 4 years later, it’s still working! His estimates were right on, and the extras we added were reasonable. His team of men were professional and efficient – they all easily communicated and coordinated with the other electricians, contractors, plumbers, etc. Andersons has continued to provide twice-yearly service. We have had NO problems with any of the equipment! We have recommended Andersons to many, many people.
-Jane Boswell

Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at JL Anderson Heating & Cooling.

Call us at 765.471.7506 in Lafayette/West Lafayette!

Call us at 317.342.9707 in Zionsville!

JL Anderson Heating & Cooling proudly provides HVAC service to Lafayette, Zionsville, West Lafayette, Delphi, Dayton, Battle Ground, Frankfort, Monticello, Rossville, and the surrounding communities. Visit our service area page for more coverage details, call us at 765.471.7506 in Lafeyette/West Lafayette and 317.342.9707 in Zionsville, or request service online today.